What is ROM? | How many types of ROM are there? | Full Form of ROM

Today almost everyone uses smartphones, computers and laptops, then you must have heard about RAM and ROM, ROM is a part of primary memory. When we go to buy a device like smartphone, computer etc., then we definitely ask about the ROM of that device, because due to the large capacity of ROM, any big size application can be used very easily in the smartphone.


For your information, let us tell you that the most important part of a device like Computer , Smartphone is the operating system. RAM and ROM are a part of this operating system, without which these devices have no importance. So do you know what is ROM? What is the full form of ROM? How many types of ROM are there? If its not working then this post is going to be very useful for all of you.

What is ROM?

One of the main parts of computer memory is primary memory. ROM is also a primary memory. If we talk about what is ROM, then ROM is a semi-automatic memory. It stores all the facts in a permanent form, and while using the computer, if for some reason the power supply stops, then the data stored in this memory does not get deleted.That is why ROM is also called Non-Volatile-Memory. 

All the information in ROM can be read but no data of any kind can be written in ROM. Whatever important data is required for the computer to work, it is stored in this ROM only. For example, the computer stores the BIOS i.e. Basic Input Output System in its ROM. Because the BIOS program itself operates the basic functions of the computer. 

What is Full Form Of ROM?

The full name of ROM is Read Only Memory , here the fact can be read only and this memory is located in the motherboard. It is a permanent memory where the facts are stored permanently. ROM cannot be updated because this memory is set by the device's company itself. ROM helps in starting the computer.

How Many Types Of ROM Are There?

After getting information about what is ROM, what is the full name of ROM, now this question must have come in your mind that how many types of ROM are there. Then in answer to this, let us tell you that there are four types of ROM: MROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. We have explained all these types of ROM in detail below. 


The full form of MROM is Marked Read Only Memory, pre-programmed data and instructions are stored in this memory. The price of this type of ROM is very expensive, due to which this type of ROM is not used at present.


Full form of PROM is “Programmable Read Only Memory”, it is a simple type of ROM. We can update this ROM only once, that is, we can put programs in it only once. Once the data is entered, no data can be updated in this type of ROM. The company that creates the devices like computer, smartphone etc. first sets a blank PROM in the motherboard. 

There are many small fuses in this type of ROM. Where signals i.e. commands are entered through programming. Once entered into ROM, the data cannot be written or changed, it can only be read. PROM Burner is used to store data in PROM. This type of ROM is used in  CRT Monitor.

Note – “If any mistake is made while storing instructions in ROM, then it is impossible to correct it. Because the data once stored in PROM cannot be updated again.


The full name of EPROM is Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory. Its name itself suggests that in this type of ROM, the data can be both erased and programmed. That is, here we can erase the fact and can also program the fact again.

This type of ROM requires additional power. To erase any fact from the EPROM, that is, to clear the chip, the chip has to pass through an Ultraviolet Ray for about 30 minutes. That's why it is also called Ultraviolet EPROM.

Here, while updating, i.e. while entering any new fact in the EPROM chip or at the time of programming, a charge is put in the chip which remains safely inside the chip for 10 years. This charge can be easily erased by passing ultraviolet light through a quartz crystal window. EPROM is used in PCO, a Computer TV tuner. 


Full Form of EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Due to technology related changes in all the popular types of ROM, the trend of EEPROM started. In this type of ROM we can update the data within just 4 to 10 milliseconds. In EEPROM we can erase and program the facts 10 to 15 thousand times and enter new facts. 

For your information, let us tell you that data is stored in EEPROM through a program, which is called EEPROM Program Burner. This type of ROM requires a high electrical signal to change or update data. Compared to PROM and EPROM, this ROM is very high capacity and good, due to which this format of ROM is very expensive.

Note – “To erase the data stored in EEPROM or any part of the data, there is no need to take this type of ROM out of the computer.”

“Generally, the fact located in ROM cannot be erased. But, EPROM and EEPROM only the data located in these two types of ROM can be updated.”

How Does ROM Work?

Earlier through this post you have got information about the working of ROM. Now the question comes that how does ROM work? So let us know about the working process of ROM. The computer is a device made up of many components, without which the computer cannot do any work. Without all these components i.e. devices, a computer is just an inanimate object. All the devices that support the computer system are called Hardware, like CPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, etc. 

The computer works on the basis of some instructions i.e. group of programs, which is called software. You all surely know that the input received by the computer device user, after processing that input by the CPU, the computer provides a prescribed output to the user, the process is called BIOS i.e. Basic Input Output System. A computer does not exist without input and output components. 

BIOS is the main part of the computer which helps in starting the computer i.e. in booting and also provides information to the computer about all the components connected to the device. At the time of BIOS creation, it is stored in the ROM chip, that is, the BIOS is located in ROM. There is a grid of columns and rows in the ROM chip. ROM uses a diode to connect this grid.

For example, if the value of the diode is 0 then the grid is not connected. If the value of the diode is 1 then the grid gets connected, it is set very carefully. When we switch on the computer, the memory from the BIOS located in the ROM is transferred to the RAM and the RAM provides instructions to the CPU, thus the computer starts. Firmware is also located in ROM, on the basis of which ROM and the computer keep all its work i.e., files, documents, applications, multimedia, etc. stored permanently. 

Functions Of ROM

We have described below about the working of ROM, like :
  • The main function of ROM is to control all the programs and BIOS required for the process of starting the computer i.e. booting.
  • ROM works to control all the Input and Output devices like Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, etc.
  • ROM stores the instructions of the operating system and software.
  • ROM helps in permanently storing files, documents, applications, and videos in devices like computers, smartphones, etc.
  • ROM works to transfer the stored data, firmware, and programs to RAM so that RAM can perform its function i.e., inputting data to the CPU.

What Is The Difference Between ROM And RAM?

Till now, through this post, you have learned about ROM and also you have got a little information about RAM. Both ROM and RAM are primary memory.

Facts in ROM can only be read. On the other hand, RAM processes the system software of the computer, here the fact can be written and read. Similarly, there are many differences between RAM and ROM which we have explained below. 




Volatile Memory/Non-Volatile Memory

Data is stored permanently in ROM. Even if for some reason the power connection is switched off, all the data stored in ROM remains safely stored. For this reason, ROM is called Non Volatile Memory.

Data is stored temporarily in RAM. If for some reason the power connection is switched off then all the data stored in RAM is destroyed. For this reason, RAM is called Volatile Memory.

Full Name

The full name of ROM is Read Only Memory.

The full name of RAM is Random Access Memory.


ROM helps in permanently storing documents, files, applications, etc. in devices like computers, and smartphones.

RAM helps in processing the system software of computers and smartphones.


The size of ROM is larger than that of RAM.

The size of RAM is smaller than ROM.

Cached fact size       

The data store capacity of ROM is several Megabytes.

RAM is stored in gigabytes. The size of data stored in RAM usually ranges from 1GB to 8GB and more.

Fact acquisition speed

The fact that the retrieval speed of ROM is very low compared to RAM.

The fact that the retrieval speed of RAM is much higher than that of ROM. The speed of this memory is measured by MHZ, and GHZ.


ROM is cheaper than RAM.

RAM costs more than ROM.


There are four types of ROM like, MROM, PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM.

There are two types of RAM like, Static RAM, and Dynamic RAM.


In today's post we have discussed What is ROM? | How many types of ROM are there? | Full Form of ROM have been explained in full detail. We hope that after reading today's blog post, you must have known what ROM is and what is its function.

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