What is Java? Why and how to learn Java Language?

In today's article, we are going to talk about Java Language.

Many applications of the mobile phone you are using now are made with the help of Java Language. Nowadays, Java is so popular that it is being used almost everywhere whether it is creating web applications or mobile applications.

But what is this Java language? What is its use? Can we also create mobile applications with the help of Java? etc. are some questions about which we are going to know today.

Without wasting any time, let us first know what is Java?


What is Java?

Java is a general-purpose, platform-independent programming language that includes the features of C and C++ along with some additional features. Its syntax is somewhat similar to C and C++. 

Java is a high-level, object-oriented, and very secure programming language that was created by Sun Microsystems. In today's time, Java is used in social media applications, audio and video applications, etc. 

Java is a class-based, platform-independent programming language in which we can easily run programs written on any platform. Here platform means the operating system that works to run programs and applications in our computer. 

Java has a slogan “JAVA is Everywhere” which is also true, nowadays Java is being used almost everywhere whether it is making application software or any other software. 

Once we compile the code written in Java language, we can easily run that byte code on any platform.  

To run the byte code obtained from the compilation of Java code, JVM software comes which we install in the computer in which we have to run the Java program. 

Uses of Java

Java is used to create the following applications :
  • Java language is used to create Android Apps.
  • Java language helps us in creating Enterprise Software.
  • Java is used in creating scientific computing applications. 
  • Java is used in data analytics. 
  • Java is also used in server-side technologies like Apache, JBoss, GlassFish, etc.

History of Java

The history of the creation of Java language is quite interesting. Java language was created in 1991 by James Gosling and his team, also known as the Green Team. This team included James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton. 

All of them used to work in Sun Microsystems. Sun Microsystem was a software development company that used to create software for its clients but they had to do different coding to run the same software on different machines, seeing this they thought of creating Java language. Which is platform-independent and can be easily run on any platform. 

Java language was created by James Gosling in 1995, hence James Gosling is called the Father of Java Language or the inventor of Java language.

Initially, it was thought to name it Oak instead of JAVA, but at that time there was already a company registered with this name, so instead of Oak, it was named JAVA. 

Sun Microsystem released its first version in 1996. Currently, the latest standard edition of Java is Java SE 16. 

Java Versions

Let us briefly see all the versions of Java in the form of a table and know when these versions were released :

Java Versions

Release Date

JDK Alpha and Beta


JDK 1.0 

23rd Jan 1996

JDK 1.1

19th Feb 1997

J2SK 1.2

8th Dec 1998

J2SK 1.3

8th May 2000

J2SE 1.4

6th Feb 2002

J2SE 5.0               

30th Sep 2004

Java SE 6

11th Dec 2006

Java SE 7

28th July 2011

Java SE 8

18th Mar 2014

Java SE 9

21st Sep 2017

Java SE 10

20th March 2018

JAVA SE 11          

25th Sep 2018

JAVA SE 12          

19th Mar 2019

JAVA SE 13          

17th Sep 2019


17th Mar 2020

JAVA SE 15          

15th Sep 2020

JAVA SE 16          

16th March 2021

Java SE 17 (LTS)

14th September 2021

Java SE 18           

22nd March 2022            

Java SE 19           

20th September 2022    

Java SE 20           

21st March 2023              

Java SE 21 (LTS)

19th September 2023    

Java SE 22

March 2024

Java Example

Let us see through an example what the code of Java language looks like?

// Basic java program
// to print "Welcome to Programingspoint"

class SimpleProgram
    public static void main(String args[])
     System.out.println("Welcome to Programingspoint");  


Welcome to Programingspoint

Applications of Java

  • Java is used in things related to money transactions in banks. 
  • In making desktop applications like Acrobat Reader, media player, antivirus, etc. 
  • It is used in web applications. 
  • It is used in Enterprise Applications. 
  • Java is used to create mobile applications. 
  • Java is used in robotics.
  • Java is used in making smart cards and embedded systems.

Features of Java

  • Java is an object-oriented programming language.
  • Java is a platform-independent language, once compiled its program can be run on any platform.
  • Java is one of the simple and secure programming languages. 
  • Java is a portable programming language. 
  • It is a robust programming language. 

Types of Java Applications

With the help of Java programming language, we can create these four types of applications :
  1. Web Application
  2. Mobile Application
  3. Enterprise Application
  4. Standalone Application

1) Web Application

Applications that run on the server side and create dynamic web pages are called web applications. Today, technologies like Servlet, JSP, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, and JSF are used to create web applications in Java. 

2) Mobile Application

Such applications which we create for mobile devices are called mobile applications. Nowadays Java ME is used to create applications for small devices. 

3) Enterprises Application

Enterprise applications are applications that are distributed in nature such as bank applications.

EJB in Java is used to create such applications. 

4) Standalone Application

Desktop applications or window-based applications are known as Standalone applications. 

Media player, antivirus, etc. are examples of standalone applications. These are all such software which we install in our machine. 

Java Platforms / Editions

The Java platform is a collection of programs that helps programmers run and develop Java programs. The Java platform was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. 

There are 4 types of Java platforms :
  1. Java SE (Java Standard Edition)
  2. Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)
  3. Java ME (Java Micro Edition)
  4. JavaFX

1) Java SE (Java Standard Edition)

Java SEs are used in database access, networking, graphical user interface (GUI) development, security, and XML parsing. It includes core topics of Java like Multithreading, OPs, String Exception, Inner classes, Regex, I/O Stream, etc.  

2) Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)

Java EE is mainly used to create web applications and enterprise applications. This includes topics like Web Services, Servlet, EJB, JSP and JPA, etc. 

3) Java ME (Java Micro Edition)

It is mainly used to develop mobile applications. 

4) JavaFX

It is used to develop Internet applications. It uses a lightweight user interface API.

How to learn Java?

To learn Java language, you will find many courses on Google and YouTube from which you can learn Java easily.

For now, below I am telling you some websites from where you can start learning Java language. 

To write programs in Java language, some text editor is required. Below I am telling you some text editors that you can use to create programs in Java. 

Notepad: It comes by default in all computers these days. 

Netbeans: You can download it from here

Eclipse: You can download it from here

Intellij idea: You can download it from here

You can download and use any one of these to create Java programs. 

If you do not have a laptop or PC and only have a mobile, then you can run the Java code from these websites mentioned below.


After reading today's article, I hope that you will understand what is Java language? What is its use? You must have all the information related to it and you will not have to search for it anywhere else.

I have tried to give you all the information related to Java Programming Language in this one post.

I hope that you have liked this post of ours. If you have liked this post, then do not forget to share this post with your friends so that they can also get information related to Java Language.

If you still have questions about What is Java? If you have any questions or doubts related to and Java Language Kaise Sikhe, then please tell me in the comment below, I will answer all your questions and for more information, you can contact us.
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