What is C++? History & Features of C++ Language

C++ language is one of the top 10 programming languages ​​in the world. According to a recent Stackoverflow survey and TIOBE Index, C++ language is the most popular programming language in the world. The popularity of the C++ language is due to some of its unique features.

Let us know in detail what is C++ language? What is its history? What are the features? And why should you learn C++ language?


What is C++?

The C++ language is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. C++ is an efficient and powerful programming language that is mainly used in GUI platforms and 3D graphics. 

C++ language is similar to C language. We can easily create all the programs made in  C language in C++ language without any changes or with minor changes.

We can say that C++ language is a superset of C language, which not only has the features of C language but also has some additional features. 

C++ language has much larger function libraries as compared to C language, which makes it much simpler and convenient than C language.

C++ language is also a middle-level programming language like C language in which we can create both low-level and high-level programs very easily. Due to this feature of C++ language, with its help both application software and system software can be easily created.

History of C++ language

Bjarne Stroustrup started working on the C++ language in 1978 and released its first version in 1979. Initially, according to him, this was not a new programming language, he said that it was an extended version of C language. 

When Bjarne Stroustrup added the concept of Classes to the C++ language, it was called “ C With Classes” at that time.

Bjarne Stroustrup added some new concepts along with Classes, due to which the language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983 was named C++. 

The increment operator “++” in C++ indicates that C++ language is an extended version of C language. 

The C++ language was standardized by the ISO committee in 1998 and a minor update was released in 2003, due to which it was called C++03. 

In 2011, 2014, and 2017, new standards of C++ language were released, due to which C++ language was called C++11, C++14, and C++17. 

Every new standard of C++ language comes with a new feature that helps the programmer a lot in programming. 




C With Classes  













Features of C++ Language

C++ language has the following features :
  1. Statically typed 
  2. Compiler Based
  3. General Purpose Language
  4. Case Sensitive
  5. Object-oriented Programming

1) Statically typed 

C++ language is a statically typed programming language in which the data type of the variable is not checked at run time but at compile time. 

2) Compiler Based

C++ language is a compiler-based programming language in which programs cannot be executed or run without compiling them.

The program made in C++ language is first converted into machine language with the help of compiler and then we can execute that program.

3) General Purpose Language

C++ language is a general-purpose programming language in which we can create almost all types of software from application software to system software. 

4) Case Sensitive

C++ is a case-sensitive programming language in which words written in lower case letters and upper case letters have different meanings. 

5) Object-oriented Programming

C++ is an object-oriented programming language in which programs are created by considering things as objects.

Why learn C++ language?

If you want to become a good software engineer then you must learn C++ language. 

There are many other benefits of C++ language which I have mentioned below. 
  • C++ language is very close to the hardware, with its help we can do low-level programming. We can do memory management very easily through programs made with the help of C++ language.
  • With the help of C++ language, you can learn object-oriented concepts very easily. The object-oriented concept makes your further programming journey easier. 
  • If you learn C++ language then it can prove to be very helpful in your campus requirement process. If you become a good C++ software developer then companies pay you more. 
  • With C++ you become capable of creating both system software and application software. 
There are thousands of benefits of learning C++ language, but if you want to become a good software engineer and make your career in the IT field, then you must learn it. 

Hello World using C++ Language

I am showing you a traditional program of Hello World with the help of C++ language so that you can get some idea of ​​how code is written in C++ language.
  • #include <iostream>
  • using namespace std;
  • // main() is a function from where the execution of the program starts.
  • int main()
  • {
  • cout << "Hello World"; // prints Hello World
  • cout << "Welcome to ProgramingsPoint"; // prints Welcome to ProgramingsPoint
  • return 0;
  • }


Hello World
Welcome to ProgramingsPoint

Right now, do not think too much about what the code written in it means, when you start learning C++ language, everything will gradually become clear to you. 

How to learn C++ language

To learn C++ language, you can watch websites or YouTube videos. 

For now, below I am telling you some websites from where you can start learning C++ language. 
Turbo C++: You can download it from here
Eclipse: You can download it from here

Dev C++: You can download it from here
CLion: You can download it from here
VS Code: You can download it from here
Visual Studio: You can download it from here

You can download and use any one of these to create C++ programs. 

If you do not have a laptop or PC and only have a mobile, then you can run the C++ code from the websites mentioned below.


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