What is High Level Language? | Types | Advantages & Disadvantages of high level language

In today's article we are going to talk about High Level Language.

Today we will know in detail what is high level language? How many types of high level language are there? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of high level language?

So without wasting any time let us know what is High Level Language?

High level language

What is high level language? 

High-level language is programmer friendly and machine platform independent, due to which it is quite portable. The instructions given in high-level language are similar to English, which makes it very easy for programmers to write and understand the program or code.

Also, one advantage of programming in high-level language is that it is not necessary for the programmer to have all the low level information related to the hardware of the computer.

But high-level language was very difficult for computers to understand because computers understand only machine language.

In such a situation, we had to translate high level language into machine language. Compiler and Interpreter are used  to translate high level language.

These compilers and interpreters come differently according to different high-level languages. Some high level languages ​​like – FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal , C, C++, Java etc.

Types of High Level Language

Many computer languages ​​have been developed to perform different tasks, some of them were for specific purpose and some were for general purpose, based on their work they are of the following types:
  1. Algebraic Formula Type Processing
  2. Business Data Processing
  3. Object-Oriented Programming Language
  4. Visual Programming Language

1) Algebraic Formula Type Processing

This type of language has been created to solve mathematical and static problems. Some such programming languages ​​are :
  • ALGOL : Algorithmic Language
  • BASIC : Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • PL/I : Programming Language, Version 1
  • FORTRAN : Formula Translation
  • APL : A Programming Language

2) Business Data Processing

This type of language has been created to solve the problems of data processing procedure and file handling. Some such programming languages ​​are :
  • Prolog : Program in Logic
  • LISP : List Processing

3) Object-Oriented Programming Language

In this type of language, computer programs are divided in the form of objects. Some such programming languages ​​are :
  • C++
  • JAVA

4) Visual Programming Language

This type of programming language was developed to create window based applications. Some such computer languages ​​are :
  • Visual Java
  • Visual C
  • Visual Basic

Benefits of High Level Language

  • High-level languages ​​are user friendly. 
  • Can be learned easily.
  • Can be maintained easily.
  • High-level language is machine independent.
  • Once a program is written in high level language, it can be compiled and interpreted and used on different computers.

Disadvantages of High Level Language

  • High level language has to be translated into machine language, which takes time.
  • Slower than low level language. 
  • Cannot communicate directly with hardware. 

Difference between High level Language and Low-level language

High Level Language

Low Level Language

High level language is a programmer friendly programming language.

Low Level Language is a machine friendly language.

Easy to understand for high level language programmers.  

Low level language is difficult for programmers to understand.

High level language is simple to debug.

The flame level language is comparatively complex to debug.

Maintaining a high level language is easy.

It is comparatively complicated to maintain.

High level language is a very portable language.

It is not portable.

It can run on any platform.

It depends on the machine.

It requires a compiler or interpreter for translation.

It needs assembler for translation.

It is widely used for programming.

It is no longer commonly used in programming.

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In today's article we talked about High Level Language and learned what is High Level Language? How many types of high level language are there? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of high level language?

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