What is RAM? | How many types of RAM are there

In today's time, almost everyone uses Smartphone, Computer and Laptop, then you must have heard about RAM and ROM. RAM is a part of primary memory. When we go to buy a smartphone, computer etc. device, we definitely ask about the RAM of that device because due to the large capacity of RAM, we can use any big size application especially in the smartphone.


For your information, let us tell you that the most important part of a device like Computer, Smartphone is the operating system. RAM and ROM are an important part of this operating system, without which these devices have no importance. So do you know what is RAM? What is the full form of RAM? How many types of RAM are there; If its not working then this post is going to be very useful for all of you.

What is RAM?

One part of computer memory is primary memory. RAM is also a primary memory, you all definitely know this. But, if we talk about what is RAM , then RAM i.e. Random Access Memory is an area where the data received from the Input Device is temporarily stored, in this memory the user can read and write any data very easily. 

But, if for any reason the electric current stops, then all the data gets deleted from the RAM. That is why RAM is also called Volatile Memory. Only current facts are stored here. For this reason, all the facts of the device should be saved in the hard disk.

What is Full Form Of RAM?

The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory . All the facts are stored temporarily in RAM. RAM helps in processing system software .

How many types of RAM are there?

After getting information about what is RAM, what is the full name of RAM etc., now this question must have come in your mind that what are the types of RAM? Let us tell you in answer to this that RAM is mainly of two types. Static RAM, and Dynamic RAM. We have explained about both these types of RAM in detail below.

1. Static RAM

If the computer shuts down for some reason or when we shut down the computer, all the information in RAM gets destroyed. The type of RAM used for fast access to data is called SRAM i.e. Static RAM.
Static RAM foxtechpoint

Generally, static RAM is prepared through transistor technology. And, compared to Dynamic RAM, much more transistors are used here. That is why this RAM can easily access any fact in a very short time.

Static RAM is expensive i.e. very expensive. Static RAM is made by connecting it with Flip Flop, due to which there is no need to refresh it. This type of RAM is used in very few computers. Static RAM is mainly used in video cards.


  • Static RAM is large in size and has very high speed.
  • This RAM lasts for a long time and its durability is also good.
  • Static RAM does not require frequent refreshing.
  • This type of RAM is used for the cache memory of the CPU. 

2. Dynamic RAM 

This type of RAM is usually prepared through Capacitor Technology, the electrical charges of the capacitor used here gets exhausted very soon, that is why this RAM needs to be refreshed, that is, this RAM changes thousands of times per second. The bar is refreshed. 
Dynamic RAM foxtechpoint

The working speed of Dynamic Memory is very low and at the same time the price of this RAM is also very low, this Dynamic RAM can conserve 4 times more data than Static RAM. That is why Dynamic RAM is used in most computers.


  • Dynamic RAM is small in size and its speed is very low.
  • In comparison to SRAM, the durability of this type of RAM is very less.
  • Dynamic RAM can be refreshed repeatedly.
  • This format of RAM is used in Cache Memory.
Dynamic RAM has some formats like SDRAM, ADRAM, DDR SDRAM, CDRAM, RDRAM.


The flower forum of SDRAM is Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. The speed of this type of RAM is directly synchronized with the CPU clock.


Full form of ADRAM is Asynchronous DRAM. It is a format of dynamic RAM, which controls the memory device asynchronously.


The full name of DDR SDRAM is Double Data Rate SDRAM. This is a version of SDRAM that operates at much faster speeds. This type of RAM can access high rate fact.


The full form of CDRAM is Cache DRAM. It is a main part of Dynamic RAM. This RAM acts as a high-speed buffer for dynamic RAM. 


The full form of RDRAM is Rambus DRAM. It transfers high rate data through a thin bus of CPU memory. Its data bus width is 8 bit.

Function of RAM

RAM plays an important role in systems like computers, smartphones. Without RAM all these devices have no existence. Starting the computer is the first function of RAM. RAM helps process system software. The operating system resides in this type of primary memory only. There are many functions of RAM like.

  1. RAM is the main memory of the computer. Its main function is to input all the received facts and instructions into the CPU.
  2. Another important function of RAM is to store the data based on which work is currently being done on the computer.
  3. RAM helps in running the programs of computer and smartphone.
  4. RAM provides space to the computer to do its work so that the computer can do all its work i.e. data processing, browsing, data loading, etc.
  5. RAM stores all the files and documents of the computer in temporary form. 

How does RAM work?

Earlier through this post you have got information about the working of RAM. Now this question must have come in your mind that how does RAM work ? So let us know about the working of RAM. Typically, RAM provides the stored data to the CPU in the form of a set. 

And, after processing that fact, the CPU provides the output to the user.That is, RAM helps in processing the program. There is a grid of rows and columns in the RAM chip, which uses RAM transistors to connect.

We all download and keep many files, documents, videos, or photos etc. in our smartphones and computers and all these files get stored in the internal and external devices of the computer. And, when we read the facts of that file, or watch a video, that is, use that file, then that storage is processed by RAM.

Due to which, we should use more capacious RAM, if you use less capacious RAM then the working speed of your device will be greatly reduced, when you download a big file and use it then it will take up more storage. Due to this the device starts hanging.

What is the difference between RAM and ROM

Till now, through this post, you have learned about RAM and also you have got a little information about ROM. Both RAM and ROM are primary memory.

RAM processes the system software of the computer, here the facts can be written and read. On the other hand, data in ROM can only be read. Similarly, there are many differences between RAM and ROM which we have explained below.




Volatile Memory / Non  Volatile Memory

Data is stored temporarily in RAM. If for some reason the power connection is switched off then all the data stored in RAM is destroyed. For this reason RAM is called Volatile Memory.

Data is stored permanently in ROM. Even if for some reason the power connection is switched off, all the data stored in ROM remains safely stored. For this reason ROM is called Non Volatile Memory.

Full name

The full name of RAM is Random Access Memory.              

The full name of ROM is Read Only Memory.


RAM helps in processing the system software of computer and smartphone.     

ROM helps in permanently storing documents, files, applications etc. in devices like computers, smartphones.


The size of RAM is smaller than ROM.

The size of ROM is larger than that of RAM.

Size of stored facts

RAM is stored in gigabytes. The size of data stored in RAM usually ranges from 1GB to 8GB and more.

The data store capacity of ROM is several Megabytes.

Fact acquisition speed

The fact that the retrieval speed of RAM is much higher than that of ROM. The speed of this memory is measured by MHZ, GHZ.

The fact that the retrieval speed of ROM is very low compared to RAM.


There are two types of RAM like, Static RAM, Dynamic RAM.

ROM costs less than RAM.


RAM costs more than ROM.

ROM costs less than RAM.

Difference between Static RAM and Dynamic RAM

Static RAM

Dynamic RAM

Transistor technology is used in static RAM.

Capacitor technology is used in dynamic RAM.

SRAM does not need to be refreshed.

DRAM needs to be refreshed.

This RAM is expensive.

This RAM is a bit cheap.

The fact that the capture speed of SRAM is very low.

The fact that DRAM has a very high capture speed.


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In today's post we have discussed what is RAM? Its types have been explained in full detail. We hope that after reading today's blog post, you must have known what RAM is and what is its function.

I have tried to give you all the information related to in this What is RAM? How many types of RAM are there one post.

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