Features of Java Language

The popularity of Java language is increasing day by day because there are some special features in Java language which make it a little different from other languages. 

The main objective of creating Java language was to create a simple, portable, and secure programming language. Despite these features, there are many more features of Java language which make it quite popular. Features of Java are also known as Java buzzwords.  

Features of Java Language

Let us know about the features of Java

Features of Java Language

Java language has the following features:

  1. Simple
  2. Object-Oriented
  3. Portable
  4. Platform independent
  5. Secured
  6. Robust
  7. Architecture neutral
  8. Interpreted
  9. High Performance
  10. Multithreaded
  11. Distributed
  12. Dynamic

1. Simple

Java language is designed in such a way that anyone can learn it very easily. Its syntax is quite simple, clean, and easily understandable. 

According to Sun Microsystem, Java is a simple language because:

  • The syntax of Java is similar to that of C++ language. Java language becomes easier to learn for people who already know C++ language. 
  • Java language has removed some complex features like the concept of pointer, and operator overloading, making it much easier to learn.
  • In Java language, it is easy to delete such an object which is not being used in the program. In C++ language the programmer had to do this work separately, but in Java, this work is done automatically by the garbage collector. 

2. Object-Oriented

Java is an object-oriented programming language in which programming is done by considering things as objects. 

Object-oriented programming is a software development technique that makes software development easier. This technique provides some rules that make the program easier to maintain.

Some basic concepts of object-oriented programming:
  • Object
  • Class
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation

3. Portable

It is a portable programming language in which after compiling the code written, the byte code obtained can be easily taken to any platform and run. 

4. Platform independent

Java is a platform-independent programming language in which once the program written in it is compiled, the byte code obtained can be easily run on different platforms with the help of JVM. 

It is different from C, and C++ language, just as programs written in C, C++ language have to be compiled and run separately to run in different operating systems, on the contrary, programs written in Java have to be compiled once. After this, there is no need to compile separately to run in other operating systems. 

There is a slogan of Java “Java Is Everywhere” or “Write once, run anywhere” which is also correct. Currently, Java is being used almost everywhere because its code can be used anywhere once written. 

5. Secured

When it comes to security, Java language is the first choice of programmers. Java is a highly secure programming language. With the help of Java language we can create virus free software or systems. 

Java is a secure language because:

  • There are no pointers in it so there is no risk of memory leak. 
  • Java programs run on a virtual machine and have little to no interaction with the operating system. 
  • Classloader, which is part of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in Java, works to load Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine. This adds extra security.
Java provides all this security by default. Apart from these, Java application developers add some extra security to the application through SSL, JAAS, and Cryptography. 

6. Robust

Java is a robust programming language which helps in making the code error-free by checking errors in compile time and run time.

Java is a robust programming language because:

  • Memory management is quite strong. 
  • There is no pointer in it so that we cannot access any memory location indirectly and hence there is no security problem. 
  • Java has a garbage collector which works to remove objects that are not being used in the program.
  • Java provides us the concept of Exception Handling to handle logical errors so that the system does not crash. 
All these features make Java a robust language. 

7. Architecture neutral

Java is an architecture-neutral programming language because it is not implementation-dependent. 

The byte code obtained by the compiler from the compilation of a Java program has nothing to do with any operating system architecture. 

We can easily run this byte code in any machine with the help of JVM. 

8. Interpreted and Compiled Language

Java is an interpreted and compiled programming language. After compiling the code written in Java, the byte code obtained is run with the help of JVM (JAVA Virtual Machine). 

There is a software inside JVM (JAVA Virtual Machine) which is called Just-In-Time compiler which works to run the Java code. Just-In-Time compiler works like an interpreter in a way, hence it is called Java an Interpreted and Compiled Language. 

9. High Performance

Java is a high-performance programming language that executes the byte code received by the compiler very fast with the help of a just-in-time compiler.

Although it is not as fast as pure compiled programming languages ​​like C, and C++, but it is much faster than other languages. 

10. Multithreaded

Java provides a multithreading environment. This feature of Java language helps in creating such a program in which we can do many types of tasks simultaneously. 

The main benefit of multithreading is that we can run multiple threads simultaneously in the same memory at the same time.

For example – In Microsoft Word, we can check grammar or spelling along with typing at the same time. 

11. Distributed

Java is a distributed programming language because Java provides the facility to the user to create distributed applications. RMI and EJB are used to create distributed applications. 

This feature of Java language provides us the facility to access files from any machine on the Internet. 

12. Dynamic

Java is a dynamic programming language which supports dynamic loading of classes, which means classes in Java are loaded on demand. 

Java language is considered more dynamic than C or C++ because in Java things are loaded into memory on demand. These features of Java make Java quite popular.

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