What is Virtual Reality?

Do you know what virtual reality is? You must have often heard it being mentioned around, after which you too would have many questions in your mind what is the meaning of Virtual Reality? And what is its use?

In today's article, we are going to talk about  Virtual Reality. Today we will know in detail what is Virtual Reality? And what is its use? We will also know what are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality?

So without wasting any time, let us first know what is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality

What is Virtual Reality? 

Virtual reality means experiencing an imaginary or virtual world-like reality through technology.  

Virtual reality is created by computer hardware and software. When someone experiences virtual reality, he does not realize whether what he is experiencing is real or virtual. 

In Virtual Reality, it seems as if we are a part of the same imaginary world and the things seen around us are real. 

Experiencing virtual reality requires equipment. This includes 3D glasses, gloves for motion sensors, etc. using which virtual reality can be enjoyed. 

Due to devices with advanced technology, sometimes it becomes difficult to differentiate between virtual reality and reality. For example, if you wear 3D glasses while watching a movie in a cinema house, then it seems that you have reached inside that movie and everything going on around you seems like real but in reality, it is completely imaginary. 

History of Virtual Reality

After understanding Virtual Reality, it is also essential to know about its history so that we can know how it started. 

To explain it in a better way, we have told the history according to the year so that it can be easy to read, which is as follows :

Year 1957 – Morton Heilig, who was a cinematographer, invented “Sensorama”. In this, you have to sit in front of the machine and keep your head between the panels so that you can see 3D-style images. Along with this, there is a sensation of sound and smell. 

Year 1961 – Two Philco corporation engineers Comeau and Bryan together created the first Head Mounted Display (HMD). Along with the screen, a magnetic tracking device was also installed in it.

Year 1966 – Military engineer Thomas Furness created the first flight simulator for the Air Force in 1966. This helped the pilot a lot in training.

Year 1968 – Harvard University professor and computer scientist Ivan Sutherland created an AR/VR mounted display, which was connected to the computer, which was called “the ultimate display”. 

Year 1987 – Origin of the term “virtual reality”, Jaron Lanier, the founder of VPL Research, also invented the Eye Phone head-mounted display and Data Gloves.

Year 1991 – Virtual Group invented an Immersive stereoscopic, VR headset and multiplayer gaming experience with an arcade machine in the year 1991. 

Year 2015 – Google presented the VR kit manufactured by Cardboard in front of the logo. In this, the smartphone has to be placed at the specified place in the cardboard, after this you can watch the video of the smartphone in virtual reality.

Types of Virtual Reality 

There are different types of virtual reality in which the experience is also different. However, all are created by computers. In which 3D graphics are used.   

There are mainly three types of virtual reality :
  1. Non-Immersive Virtual Reality
  2. Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality
  3. Fully Immersive Virtual Reality 

1) Non-Immersive Virtual Reality

This type of virtual reality has become common nowadays. It is made up of computer software and hardware. In this, the user controls things through his physical moment. Which also includes keyboard, mouse, and other input devices. The best example of this is video games, which require an input device to control the game. 

2) Semi-immersive Virtual Reality

In this, a virtual environment is created through computer-generated 3D graphics to make people experience virtual reality. It is used in the field of education, training, and many other places. For this, high-resolution displays, powerful computers, and projectors are installed which makes people experience virtual reality.   

3) Fully Immersive Virtual Reality

This virtual reality looks completely real, due to which it becomes difficult to differentiate between the imaginary and real world, and the equipment used in it is of advanced technology, only then the best experience is achieved. 

For this, one has to wear VR glasses, Head Mounted Display (HMD), gloves to detect motion, and a body suit so that the virtual reality experience seems more real. This type of VR is mostly used in gaming. 

Uses of Virtual Reality

Nowadays the use of virtual reality is not limited to just gaming or entertainment, apart from this there are many other places where its use is seen. Virtual Reality is used in the following areas :

  1. In the field of education: Virtual reality is used in the field of education to explain any subject easily.  
  2. In the field of medicine: By using VR in medicine, it is very easy to explain the structure and difficult structure of the human body through 3D computer graphics. 
  3. In the military sector: Soldiers are given virtual training through virtual reality, which improves their skills. With the use of this technology, financial and human expenses in the defense sector are reduced. 
  4. In art and industrial design: If a person does work related to art and design, then virtual reality can help him a lot in this. Through this, it becomes easier for engineers to design or prepare 3D models of buildings and houses.
  5. In the field of entertainment: Its usefulness is gradually increasing in the field of entertainment also. It is most used for watching 3D films, playing games, etc.  

Advantages of Virtual Reality

The following are the advantages of Virtual Reality :

1) During training

If you have to train for a dangerous situation, it is safest to first practice it in virtual reality. This includes firefighters, pilots, astronauts, etc. Due to virtual reality, all these are practiced in a safe environment and the situation here remains under control, due to which the possibility of danger is eliminated. 

2) Engagement

Through this you can enjoy entertainment more, in this you feel exactly like reality.

Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

Like all things, Virtual Reality also has some disadvantages, which are as follows :

1) Addiction

The experience of virtual reality is really like reality. Due to this, it can also lead to addiction. Playing games through VR for a long time can become addictive, which harms our brain as well as our body.

2) poor health

Using VR for a long time is not good for health, it increases the chances of contracting diseases. Therefore, use it only in limited quantities so that there is no harm to health.  

3) Eye problems

Staring at a VR display for a long time has adverse effects on the eyes. No matter how good the quality of the display is, everyone has eye problems. Therefore, use VR only when necessary.    

4) Loss of Human Connection

When you remain immersed in virtual reality all day long, your connection with people gradually begins to fade away, due to which situations like depression may also arise.

What is the equipment used in Virtual Reality? 

To experience Virtual Reality, it is mandatory to have some necessary equipment. Many types of tools are used in this through which an imaginary world is created. So let us know about the names of all those devices and their features.

1) Head Mounted Display (HMD)

This equipment looks exactly like a bike helmet. There are two 3D screens (right and left) installed inside it and stereo speakers are also installed for sound. The design of this device is such that light from outside cannot spoil the virtual reality experience. 

2) DataGloves

Data Gloves is an input device. It is also known as wire gloves or cyber gloves. It has a motion-tracking device that captures the movements of our hands and instructs VR to work accordingly. Through this, you can get the feeling of touching a virtual reality object. A fiber cable is used in this device.

3) Wands

It is a type of stick. The work of providing the experience of virtual reality to the user is done through the motion sensor installed in it. 

4) Immersive Room

This is a room that is completely equipped with VR technology. The experience of virtual reality inside this is even more wonderful. 3D graphic projectors are installed in the room and people are given 3D glasses, due to which virtual reality appears exactly like reality.   

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In today's article, we talked about Virtual Reality and learned what is Virtual Reality ? and what is its use? Along with this, we also know how many types of virtual reality are there and what are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality?

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