What is Web Browser?
Today most of the world's population is using the Internet and to visit any website on the Internet we need a web browser.
But what is this web browser? How do they work? And why is a browser used? There are many other questions about which we are going to talk in detail in today's article.
So without wasting any time, let us first know what is Web Browser?
What is a web browser?
The web browser is software with the help of which we can easily access the information available on the World Wide Web or the Internet.
For example, the Chrome browser, which is the most popular web browser today, is used by more than 70% of computers, smartphones, and laptops to access information on the Internet.
Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Brave Browser are some of the popular web browsers that are mostly used today.
Definition of Web Browser
“A web browser is a software program or application that allows a user to access web pages, access and view websites. In common usage, a web browser is also commonly known as a “browser.”
Uses of Web Browser
If you want to access any information available on the Internet, then for this you will need a good Internet connection and a web browser.
If the device does not have a browser, you can download the browser from the App Store, but nowadays browsers come already installed on the device. So in such a situation, you can use the pre-installed web browser on your mobile.
Without a web browser, you will not be able to access the website because there is a lot in a website that requires a web browser to render and understand.
If we want to read something on any website or gain any knowledge, we can do it only with the help of a web browser. Without a web browser, we cannot visit any website.
Today, people use one or the other web browser to visit all the websites in the world. It has been created so that we can access any blog or website without any problem.
Today most of the people visit websites only to learn something and many people like to read blogs (like the one you are reading now).
The web browser is a platform through which we are able to access any type of information on the Internet.
History of Web Browser
When the Internet started, the browser had also been invented. Perhaps you may not know that the name of the first web browser was “World Wide Web”, which was started by a computer scientist named “Tim Berners-Lee” in 1990 AD.
If we talk about that time, the browsers of that time had very few features. Just as we can bookmark a webpage in today's web browser, view the history of the browser, or use dark mode and light mode, we were not able to do all this in the web browser of that time because the earlier web browsers It did not have features like today's browsers.
If we look at the content, earlier we could see only “text content” on the browser. But now technology has become so powerful that today we can easily watch video content, audio content, and image content on the browser.
Isn't that a good thing?
It is said that when something becomes popular, many duplicate copies of it start being made, similarly it happened in the case of web browsers also.
In 1990 AD, the most popular web browser was “Internet Explorer”, which left web browsers like “ Netscape ” far behind due to giving a good experience and better interface to the user.
Behind this success of “Internet Explorer,” there has been a lot of hard work of the developers of the Internet Explorer browser.
As time passed, more web browsers started launching in the market and started competing with each other. Many browsers were included in it like – Chrome browser, Opera browser, Mozilla browser, Firefox browser, etc.
How Web Browsers Work
The web browser is designed in such a way that as soon as a user wants to get any information, he can get the result or information by directly typing it in the search box.
Actually, a web browser works on client server model. When the user clicks on a website appearing in the SERPs, the web browser sends a request to the website's server, and then whatever information is present on the web server, after receiving the information from the web server, the web browser renders it., through which the user is able to see that information.
All the data present on the Internet is in the form of HTML code because computers understand HTML language.
There are many rules for making data available on the Internet. Those rules are called protocols.
For example, HTML uses the HTTP protocol to connect a web browser to a web server. It is only with the help of HTTP that clients are able to connect to the Internet and get their information.
All the web browsers available in the market today support HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).
Some Popular Web Browsers
In today's time, there are many web browsers available in the market which you can use to get information from the Internet, some of the popular web browsers are as follows :
- Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
- Firefox.
- DuckDuckGo
- Brave
- Opera
- hassle
- Vivaldi
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Q1) Which is the fastest browser?
Ans: Google Chrome is the fastest browser.
Q2) Which is the first graphics web browser?
Ans: Mosaic is the first graphics web browser.
Q3) What are the two main browsers?
Ans: Chrome and Brave Browser are two major web browsers that are being used extensively today.
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In today's article, we talked about web browsers and learned what is a web browser? how did it start? And how does it work?
Along with this we also saw some popular browsers. So, a web browser is such an application where any user can access the information of any webpage in a very short time.
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