What is Programming Language? What is the difference between High Level and Low Level Language?

Do you also want to create Apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, any website, or any game like BGMI, Free Fire, Ludo, GTA, etc.? If yes! So for this, it is very important for you to have knowledge of programming and programming languages.

In today's article, we will know in detail what is Programming? And what is Programming Language? And how many types of programming languages ​​are there?

However, for your convenience, we have divided this article into the following parts so that you will be able to understand topic-wise about programming and programming languages.


What is the program?

First of all, I would like to tell you what programs are and why they are used? Because without knowing about it you will not be able to understand the basic meaning of programming.

So let us first know why programs exist?

computer is an electronic device which is used to solve the problem of our daily life in a very pure and very efficient manner.

But unlike us humans, computers do not know how to think and do anything on their own. If we want to get something done from it, then for that we have to give it some set of instructions step by step.

This set of instructions which we give to the computer in a specific order is called a program.

What is programming?

Programming or Coding is a way by which we tell the computer in a specific order what to do and how to do it. The person who gives instructions to the computer in a specific order is called a programmer or coder. So in this way, the programmer gives instructions to the computer and the computer works according to those instructions. 

Through programming, we are able to give instructions to the computer. Nowadays everyone wants to use programming, which is also called coding, but to do programming, you need to have knowledge about the programming language.

So let us know what is programming language?

what is programming

What is a programming language?

The language using which we give a set of instructions to the computer is called Programming Language. In a way, programming language is a method of communication between the programmer and the computer. 

We can easily compare computer language with human language, like human language (like Sanskrit, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, and English) is a medium for communication between people, similarly, computer language is also a medium for communication between programmers and computers.

To help programmers so that they can communicate with the machine (computer). For this, many computer programming languages ​​have been developed in the last few years.

Some of them are programming languages ​​like- C language, C++, Java, Python, FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, Swift, C# etc.

Types of Programming Language

Programming Language is divided into two parts on the basis of difficulty (ease or difficulty) of understanding by the computer :
  1. Low-Level Language
  2. High-Level Language

1) Low-Level Language

Low-Level Language is that language which is very close to the machine. Low-level language is very easy for computers to understand. This type of language is divided into two parts :
  • Machine level language
  • Assembly language
Let us know what is Machine level language? And what is assembly language?

What is machine-level language?

We cannot use human language like Hindi, or Urdu to give instructions to the computer or to tell the computer what to do because the computer does not know the language of humans, it (the computer) has its own language which is machine language. Or binary language (0 and 1).

In such a situation, if we have to give any instruction to the computer, then we will also have to learn machine language or binary language (0 and 1). 

Machine language is the 1st generation of computer language. In machine language, the instructions we give to the computer contain only 0 and 1 which are directly executed by the computer or machine because the computer knows only machine language. 

Example: If I have to write 9 + 2 on the computer, that too with the help of machine language, then for this I will have to convert 9 +, 2 into binary code. Whose binary code would be something like this – 1001 00101011 0010  

Machine-level language is easy for a computer to understand but is very difficult from a programmer's point of view. In order to make it a little simpler, assembly language was developed.

What is assembly language?

Assembly language is the second-generation computer language. The set of instructions given in assembly language includes some English-like commands or symbolic codes (ADD, PRINT, MOV, SUB, etc.) in which such codes are used. Mnemonic is called.

Writing and understanding code or programs in assembly language became a little easier for the programmer as compared to machine-level language, but a little difficult for the computer because the computer understands only machine language.

In such a situation, we had to translate Assembly Language into Machine Language. The name of the translator used for translation is Assembler. 

Although writing programs in assembly language had become easier than before, it was still necessary for programmers to have a good knowledge of all the low-level details related to the computer's hardware.

In assembly language, data was stored in the registers of the computer and each computer had a different set of registers, so assembly language was not portable.

Since low level language was related to hardware, Assembly Language programs were executed very fast.

Difference between machine-level language and Assembly Language

Machine Language

Assembly Language

Machine Language is a low-level programming language.

Assembly Language is an intermediate programming language between high-level programming language and machine language.

Machine Language is in the form of 0 and 1 (binary format) where 1 represents True while 0 represents false.

Assembly language is English syntax (mnemonics), which is understood by the CPU after being converted into low-level language by interpreters and compilers.

It is very easy for computers to understand machine language or in other words, machine language is only for computers.

It is very difficult for computers to understand assembly language. We can say that assembly language is for humans.

CPU can directly understand Machine Language. No compiler or assembler is required.

Programmers can understand assembly language, however, CPUs cannot understand assembly language.

It is very difficult to remember the codes and instructions of machine-level language. 

Memorizing the codes and instructions of assembly language is a little easier than that of machine language.

Modification is not possible in machine language, it is made specially for a particular operating system.

Making modifications in assembly language is not much more difficult than in machine language.

Machine language is used in CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, etc.

Assembly language is used in the following applications: device drivers, low-level embedded systems, and real-time systems, etc.

Machine language is dependent on hardware.

Assembly language depends on the machine.

There is no need to translate machine language separately for the computer, the computer directly understands the machine language.

Assembly language does not need to be translated separately for the computer to understand it.

In machine language, programs execute faster because all the data is already in binary form.

Assembly language executes a little slower than machine language because it has to be first converted into machine language so that the computer can understand it and execute it.

By now you must have understood what is programming and what is programming language?

You must have also learned about Low-Level Language, Machine level language, and Assembly language.

Let us now know what are the benefits of low level language? And what are the disadvantages?

Advantages of Low-Level Language

  • The program or software which is made in Low-Level Language is very fast and memory efficient.
  • Programs use the processor and memory very efficiently. 
  • In Low Level Language there is direct interaction with hardware.

Disadvantages of Low-Level Language

  • Programming takes a lot of time.
  • Programming is very difficult for the programmer.
  • Programs are machine-dependent and not portable.
  • It is difficult to develop, debug, and maintain.
  • Low-level programs are more error-prone.
  • For programming in a low level language, the programmer must have additional knowledge of the computer architecture of the particular machine.
The low-level language was very difficult for programmers, hence high-level language was developed.

2) High-level language

A high-level language is programmer-friendly and machine platform independent, due to which it is quite portable. The instructions given in high-level language are similar to English, which makes it very easy for programmers to write and understand the program or code.

Besides, one advantage of programming in a high-level language is that it is not necessary for the programmer to have all the low-level knowledge related to the computer's hardware.

However, the high-level language was very difficult for computers to understand because computers understand only machine language.

In such a situation, we had to translate high-level language into machine language. Compiler and Interpreter are used to translate high-level language.

These compilers and interpreters come differently according to different high-level languages. Some high-level languages ​​like – FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, Java, etc.

Advantages of High-Level Language

  • High-level languages ​​are user-friendly. 
  • Can be learned easily.
  • Can be maintained easily.
  • High-level language is machine-independent.
  • Once a program is written in high-level language, it can be compiled and interpreted, and used on different computers.

Disadvantages of High-Level Language

  • High-level language has to be translated into machine language, which takes time.
  • Slower than low-level language. 
  • Cannot communicate directly with hardware.

Difference between High-level Language and Low-level language

High-Level Language

Low-Level Language

High-level language is a programmer-friendly programming language.

Low-Level Language is a machine-friendly language.

Easy to understand for high-level language programmers.  

Low-level language is difficult for programmers to understand.

High-level language is simple to debug. 

The flame-level language is comparatively complex to debug.

Maintaining a high-level language is easy.

It is comparatively complicated to maintain.

High-level language is a very portable language.

It is not portable.

It can run on any platform.         

It depends on the machine.

It requires a compiler or interpreter for translation.

It needs an assembler for translation.

It is widely used for programming.

It is no longer commonly used in programming.


Important differences between High-Level Language and Low-Level Language.

  • High-level language is a programmer-friendly programming language whereas Low Level Language is a machine-friendly programming language.
  • It is easy to understand for high-level language programmers. It is difficult for programmers to understand low-level language.
  • Debugging in high-level language is simple whereas debugging in low-level language is quite complex as compared to high-level language.
  • High-level language is easy to maintain whereas low-level language is a bit difficult to maintain.
  • High-level language is a portable programming language. Low-Level Language is not portable.
  • We can use high-level language on any platform. But Low-Level Language is machine-dependent.
  • High-level language requires a compiler or interpreter for translation whereas low-level language requires an assembler for translation.
Till now you know what is programming and what is programming language and how many types of programming languages ​​are there? Must have understood well.

Now let me tell you why you should learn programming language?

Why should one learn a programming language?

If you want to create Apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, any website or any game like Pubg, Free Fire, or Ludo, then for that you need to have knowledge of computer programming language because of all these Apps, Websites, and Games.

Its creator is either an App Developer, Website developer or Game developer who has good knowledge about computer programming language.

So, if you also want to make all these things like them, then you should also learn computer programming language and after that by learning all the computer programming languages, you will be able to create a good game, website, or a good app easily. 

How to learn a programming language?

Let us see how you can learn programming language and build your problem-solving skills.

1) Decide What do you Want to Develop

First of all, you have to decide what you want to develop.

2) Choose a Language

Select a language so that you can develop that thing because every programming language has its own importance and use.

Some programming languages ​​are good for making games and some are good for making websites. So, after you have decided what you want to make, you will have to decide which is the best programming language to make that thing and then start learning that language.

3) Follow any courses or Tutorials

To learn the language you have chosen, follow a tutorial or course so that you can learn the basics of that computer language well.

4) Do Daily Practice on coding

After selecting the language and starting to learn, you have to practice that language every day so that you can have a good grip on those concepts. Therefore, practice programming (coding) daily.

5) Don’t stop learning

Even after learning a computer language, continue your regular practice. So that you remember all the things.

6) Create A Project

You keep creating projects using that computer language. Because unless you make a project, you will not be able to learn that language completely, hence making a project is very important.

7) Explore

When you complete your project, your journey will not end here. You will have to explore new things. Explore as much as you can in the field of computer science. Computer Science is a vast and rich field, so analyze what attracts you the most.

When you start doing all these things, then one day you will be able to create a good app, game, or any website easily.

List of Programming Languages

The following list of programming languages ​​includes popular programming languages. Whatever programming languages ​​are shown in this list, there are many more programming languages ​​in this world. According to Wikipedia, there are 700 programming languages ​​in the world. These are some of them :


















Visual basic


































Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn

These are some computer languages ​​which you can learn and boost your career so that you can get a good job. 
  1. Python
  2. C/C++
  3. JavaScript
  4. Java
  5. SQL

Generation of Programming Language

On the basis of generation, programming languages ​​can be divided into five generations. 
  • First Generation Languages
  • Second Generation Languages
  • Third Generation Languages
  • Fourth Generation Languages
  • Fifth Generation Languages

1)  First Generation Languages

 First-generation languages ​​are low-level languages ​​such as machine language.

2) Second Generation Languages

These are low-level assembly languages ​​used in the kernel and hardware drivers.

3) Third Generation Languages

These are high-level languages ​​like C, C++, Java, Visual Basic and JavaScript.

4) Fourth Generation Languages

These are languages ​​that contain statements. These statements are similar to the statements of human language. These are mainly used in database programming and scripting. Examples of these languages ​​include Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL, and MatLab(MatrixLaboratory).

5) Fifth Generation Languages

These are programming languages ​​that have visual tools for developing programs. Examples of fifth-generation languages ​​include Mercury, OPS5, and Prolog.

The first two generations are called low-level languages. The next three generations are called high-level languages.

Learn More...


I have tried to give you complete information about what is programming and what is programming languages and what are the types of programming languages.

I hope you have got the answer to your question and what is Programming and What is Programming Language? You will not have to search about.

Still, if you want any information related to this post or related to programming language, or computer science, then please let me know, I will answer all your questions very soon.

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