What is WordPress Page Builder?

What is WordPress Page Builder? This article has been written keeping the beginners in mind, so in today's article you will get complete information about WordPress Page Builder and along with it, you will also get to read about its advantages and disadvantages.

WordPress is a CMS (content management system) in which we can easily manage our content and WordPress is created so that the content can be managed.

WordPress Page Builder

What is WordPress Page Builder?

If you use a page builder, then you have ever wondered what WordPress Page Builder is and why it is needed.

The name of Page Builder shows that pages are created by the creator of a page, i.e. WordPress Page Builder.

With Page Builder you can create any kind of custom design without any coding knowledge, Page Builder gives us the freedom to customize the entire page.

Page Builder is a content editing tool inside the WordPress dashboard, using which we can create pages repeatedly, continuously, and quickly.

If put in simple language, Page Builder is a plugin of WordPress with the help of which pages are created.

Why is there a need for a page builder in WordPress?

WordPress Page Builder is needed by almost all websites today for many reasons and the biggest reason is custom design.

In the beginning of WordPress, there was no page builder, in earlier times there was a WordPress editor using which posts were written and pages were created. Then as updates came in WordPress, the plugin was added so that users started getting extra options.

One of those extra options is WordPress Page Builder. it is not necessary or mandatory that you have to take a page builder, it is not necessary that you cannot work without a page builder.

It all depends on you and your customers whether you use a page builder on your website or not.

Let us now talk about why WordPress Page Builder was needed.

WordPress is a CMS that has been designed keeping the user in mind, and Page Builder has also been designed keeping the user in mind, using which the user can customize pages and posts without any programming skills.

Let us talk further about the advantages and disadvantages of WordPress Page Builder.

You can see the list of page builders on the official website of WordPress.

Benefits of WordPress Page Builder

If we talk about benefits, there are many benefits of page builder, about which you are told below.

1) No coding required

The biggest advantage of WordPress Page Builder is that you can create a good page without coding, for which you do not need any knowledge of coding.

Nowadays, almost all page builders have a drag-and-drop system, with the help of which it is easier than ever to create a custom design. Apart from this, Page Builder makes the work easier as well as fast and content management can also be done in a very good manner.

2) ready-made design

The most important part of creating a website is designing that website and designing it is a challenge in itself but if we get a pre-made design then our work becomes easier.

Exactly the same thing applies to WordPress Page Builder, that is, we get a pre-made design in the page builder, and by changing its color, font size, background, etc. we can create a good design.

For example, if we need tabs on our website or any page then, nowadays almost all page builders have the option of tabs, which we can easily add to the page and change the color, font size, background, and font family of those tabs, etc. can be changed and a good design can be made.

3) Ability to create templates

WordPress page builder has the ability to create templates, using which we can create a template once and use it again and again.

Let me try to explain the template with an example, like if you have a website that has 2 or 3 sections on its home page and the same sections are also on your inner pages, which means that the sections on the home page are repeated again and again. If this is happening, then in that situation you can design those sections and save them in the template, and use them again and again on any page.

By creating a template in this way, we do not need to design a section again and again.

The last thing is that making templates saves time.

4) User-friendly editor

There is no need to do coding to create a website. You can create a website even without coding and there are many people who are doing this because the editor of the page builder is very simple so there is no problem anywhere.

Disadvantages of WordPress Page Builder

Behind happiness there is sorrow, in the same way, there is a benefit on one side and loss on the other side because a coin has two sides and both sides are never the same.

Let us now talk about the disadvantages of WordPress Page Builder.

1) Website Performance Issues

It is easy to create a website with Page Builder, but in a website made with Page Builder, you will see performance issues and speed issues because to make the Page Builder accessible to more and more people, extra features are added to it, due to which extra CSS is added to the website. And JS gets messed up which is not at all good for the website.

For example, suppose you do not want FAQ or tab, or image lightbox in your website, but these features are already built in the page builder whether you use them or not.

The entire website has to bear the load of their CSS and JS, due to which the size of the page becomes larger and the speed of the website is affected.

One more thing, if the speed of our website is low then it has a bad effect on the website because Google had released an update a long time ago in which Google told us that if the speed of any website is low on mobile, then the speed of that website will be affected. The ranking will be down and if the ranking of the website goes down then that website will not be visible to the people.

After mobile, now it has been made mandatory to have website speed on desktop also, hence it is very important to have website speed.

2) The free version is less

There are free versions of WordPress Page Builder but they have fewer features. To get more features we have to pay, so this is one of the biggest disadvantages.

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  • Conclusion

    In today's article What is WordPress Page Builder, you read why we need WordPress Page Builder, the benefits of WordPress Page Builder, the disadvantages of WordPress Page Builder, etc.

    Hopefully, the article on what is WordPress Page Builder might have helped you a bit. If you need some help, then you must share this article with other people so that those who do not know what WordPress Page Builder is, they can get help.

    Apart from this, if you have any questions then you can comment below.
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    • Rajesh
      Rajesh 13 October

      Good Information

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