How To Format Hard Disk Windows 10,11 | How to format hard disk through command prompt in Windows computer?

Today we will know how you can format hard disk by typing commands with the help of command prompt in your Windows computer.

By following this method you can easily format any hard disk of your computer through command prompt.

How to format hard disk through command prompt in Windows computer?

One thing to keep in mind is that if you do not format your hard disk by mistake, your operating system will also be deleted.

How to Format Windows Computer Hard Disk Using CMD

  1. First open the start button in your computer and search for cmd and open it.
  2. Now Type disckpart.
  3. Now write list disk . This will show you how many disks your computer has.
  4. Now you will be presented with different disks , select the disk you want to format .
  5. Now write the name of that disk by typing select. Like select disk 2, select disk 3 etc. This way your disk will be selected. 
  6. Now after selecting the disk type clean then your selected disk will be formatted.
Hope this method will be useful for you and you will be able to format your hard disk easily.

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