What is Projector?

You must have seen many times in your schools or cinema houses using a projector to display images and videos on a big white screen, seeing which you would have many questions related to it in your mind like what is this projector? And how does the projector work? 

in today's article, we are going to talk about Projector. Today we will know in detail what is Projector? How many types are there and how does the projector work?

So without wasting any time, let us first know what a projector is?


What is a Projector?

A projector is an output device that shows the image on a flat wall or white screen which is called a projection screen. To show the image the projector can be connected to a computer or other device.

The projector also has Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity features. Along with this, old projectors have VGA ports and today's new projectors have HDMI ports. 

Color wheels, lenses, and other gadgets are used inside it which receive the image through a Blu-ray player or computer and project it in high-definition quality. 

There are many sizes and shapes of projectors, which are used in different places, including classrooms, presentations, meetings, cinema halls, etc. 

The most common type of projector used nowadays is video projector. Most projectors are a few inches tall and wide. Many projectors are also installed in the ceiling which have the ability to project images up to a distance of about 30 feet. Which is installed in most places like conference rooms, audio stories, cinema houses, etc. so that more people can watch it simultaneously. 

How does a projector work?

Lenses are installed in projectors through which the image is displayed on a flat surface or white screen which is called a projection screen. 

In this, a high-intensity light passes through small pixels. The projector has 3 types of displays to project the image. Due to this, the light has to pass through 3 colors. This light becomes colored as soon as it is read through the prism, after which the projector displays it on the screen. 

In the new projectors, the image is also projected by laser light, but the working of all the projectors is almost the same.

Types of Projector

Nowadays, many types of projectors are available which are divided into three different types according to their features and functioning. Which is as follows :

1) DLP Projector 

Its full name is “Digital Light Processing”. It passes the light through a wheel light, a reflection mirror, and finally a lens. It has a chipset that works on optical micro-electro-mechanical technology. 

The DLP Projector was invented by Larry Hornback in 1987. Digital Projection Limited company introduced DLP DLP-based projector for the first time in 1997, for which it was honored with an Emmy Award in 1998. 

There are two types of it:
  • One chip DLP Projector
  • Three chip DLP Projector
DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) is used in these. The micro mirror installed in it is also called digital micro mirror which is very small in size.

DLP projectors project the image onto the screen using the Reflection Projection Method. DLP projectors are most commonly used for watching 3D movies. DLP projector is used in both front and back projection.

DLP Advantage 

  • Maintenance of DLP projectors is quite easy, due to its filter-free and sealed chip design. 
  • In this, the quality of images is clear and high contrast ratio. 
  • In this, due to the limited space between the pixels, the final image is much sharper.

DLP Disadvantage 

  • Due to the mirrored chip in it, the projector has limited pixels. 
  • DLP is not as bright as LCD technology. 
  • A rainbow effect appears for a few moments in the middle of the projector screen.

2) LCD Projector 

LCD projector is a type of video projector, through which the image is shown on a white screen.

To display the image from the projector, light from the metal halide lamp is passed through a series of prisms or dichroic filters, after which polysilicon panels separate these lights into three panels. It has first red, second green, and third blue components. 

Because polarized light passes through the panels (which are a combination of a polarizer, LCD panel, and analyzer). In this the pixel keeps opening and closing, to pass and block the lights. It creates a wide range of colors and shades from the combination of closed pixels and open pixels, through which the image is projected on the screen.

LCD Projector Advantage

  • LCD has more color saturation which gives more brightness. 
  • LCD projector is more light efficient than DLP.
  • Due to the high accuracy of color, they are better in work like photography. 

LCD Projector Disadvantage

  • It contains “dead pixels” which affect the video quality.
  • LCD projectors cannot produce the same contrast ratio as DLP. 
  • LCD panels are organic which starts to degrade with time, the less they are used, the less problems will occur and if used more, the life of the panels will also reduce quickly. 

3) CRT Projector 

Its full name is “Cathode Ray Tube”. For the first time in 1950, a color CRT projector was presented to the people.

It has three picture tubes installed to produce the image. High voltage is required to excite the electron beam inside the tubes due to which light starts to be generated and when the electron beam hits the surface of the tubes, it changes the image of all three colors (red, blue, and green) into one color. -To create an integrated image, it is shown on the screen. 

CRT projector is used in places like schools, auditoriums, etc. In this, three tubes of color are attached to show the image on the screen, which is also called “guns”. The image is displayed only by the combination of these three color tubes.

If for some reason the tubes get damaged then the cost of replacing them is quite high. Most CRT projectors are made for fixed installations due to their size. 

The image quality in CRT projector appears to be of higher resolution as compared to other projectors.

CRT Projector Advantage

  • Its “black level contrast” is the best. 
  • The life of its tubes is about 10,000 hours. 
  • All types of high-pixel resolutions can be seen. 

CRT Projector DisAdvantage

  • This requires more electricity. 
  • CRT projectors take more time to set up and adjust than other projectors. 
  • It is very heavy in weight and also large in size.

Who invented the projector?

Charles Francis Jenkins invented the projector in 1894. Nowadays there is a lot of difference between modern projectors and old projectors.

In the old type of projectors, the light was blasted through celluloid film, due to which both sound and light were stringed, but this functioning is not seen in the new projectors. Many types of advanced technology are used in new projectors. 

Nowadays there are many types of projectors, cheap and expensive. Besides, portable projectors also come which you can take with you anywhere without any hassle and can project anywhere. 

Which lens is used in the projector?

Convex lenses are used in projectors, which are curved outwards on both sides. The image projected when light passes through it is much larger than the size of the actual object. Along with this, this lens is also used in magnifying glass, which magnifies small objects.

What is the Throw Distance of the Projector? 

Throw distance is very important in a projector. This distance is called between the projector and the screen, which shows how far the projector can project an image on the screen. This distance is different in all projectors, some are more and some are less.

What is a projection screen?

The projection screen is the surface on which an image or video is projected. This could be a flat wall or a white curtain. You can install projection screens permanently like in cinema houses or you can also install them temporarily like in conference meetings, school or wedding ceremonies. 

Uses of Projector

Projectors are used in many places, whether it is to give information about any subject or to show people on a big screen.

1) in the classroom 

The projector is used for better education of children, it becomes easier to explain difficult subjects through images or videos. Children are also able to understand the subject quickly by seeing 3D images. This makes it easier for teachers to teach children. 

2) in the company 

The projector is very useful during presentations or meetings in the company. Through this, if you have to explain something to people in a presentation or meeting, then this task becomes easier than a projector.

3) in homes 

If you want to enjoy a cinema sitting at home, then it is possible with a projector. In the projector, you can enjoy any movie or serial by watching it on the big screen, which looks great on the big screen.  

4) In wedding ceremonies 

Projectors are also used a lot in wedding ceremonies in which there is a big projector screen on which the image is shown.  

5) To promote 

Many companies use big projectors to promote their product or service among the people so that more and more people's attention gets drawn towards the things seen in their project and the sales of the company can increase.



in today's article, we talked about a Projector and learned what a is  Projector? How many types are there and how does the projector work?

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