What is WordPress? Types of WordPress and its benefits

Do you want to know what is WordPress, then read this article completely. In this, I have tried to give you complete information about WordPress so that you can understand about WordPress.

You get to see many websites on the Internet which are built on different platforms. Some websites are made through coding and some websites are made in CMS. CMS means Content Management System. CMS is a tool through which you manage your content easily.

Wordpress CMS

WordPress is also a CMS on which we can create our blog or website. To get more information about WordPress, without any delay move towards our article and know What is WordPress in detail.

What is WordPress?

wordpress CMS

If understood in simple words, the simplest and most famous way to create a website or blog is WordPress. On the other hand, if we speak in technology language, WordPress is an Open Source Content Management System (CMS), which has been developed with the help of MySQL and PHP. WordPress is the most used content management system in the world.

Creating a website or blog on WordPress is so simple that if you have a plan in your mind to start a new website, then you can create and prepare your website within barely 10 minutes. The popularity of WordPress is quite high. If seen, big companies run their websites on WordPress only.

Who created WordPress?

The best CMS like WordPress was created by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. He launched WordPress on May 27, 2003. Due to its excellent features, it has become the largest CMS in the world today.

Types of WordPress

There are two types of WordPress available in the market, WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Both of these are different from each other. Let us understand these also.

1) WordPress.com 

Just as you can create a free blog on Blogger.com, in the same way, you can create your free blog on WordPress.com. You do not need a domain name and hosting to create a blog on WordPress.com. Because it provides you its own hosting and also a subdomain.

But there is a lot of limitation on WordPress.com. The themes and plugins you get in this are very limited and you are not the complete owner of the website built on WordPress.com.

2) WordPress.org 

WordPress.org is an open source CMS in which to create a blog or website you need a domain name and hosting. In WordPress.org you create a self-hosted blog.

In WordPress.org you get Unlimited Themes and Plugins with which you can give a very attractive look to your website. You are the sole owner of the website created on WordPress.org.

WordPress.org is the CMS on which many websites and blogs are built, in this article we will tell you about WordPress.org because, in a true sense, WordPress is WordPress.org only.

Difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Many people are confused between WordPress.com and WordPress.org as to which website they should create and what the difference between these two. It is very important for you to know this before proceeding further in the article.

Well, after reading the article till now, you might have come to know some differences between them, but for your convenience, we have clearly explained the differences between the two through a table below.



Here you can create your blog for free. 

To create a blog here you need a domain and hosting.

There are not many options to monetize in WordPress.com.             

There are more options to monetize in WordPress.org.

There are only a limited number of themes and plugins available to make the blog attractive.

Unlimited themes and plugins are available.

Hobby is a good platform for bloggers.  

It is a good platform for professional bloggers.

You are not the full owner of the website.

You are the sole owner of the website.

Even fewer people recommend making a website on this.

Almost everyone recommends creating a website on WordPress.org.

How does WordPress work?  

Now we will know how WordPress works. If you look at it, a lot of technology terms can be used in WordPress, but you do not need to worry at all because even without this technology, you can run WordPress easily.

As I have informed you earlier WordPress is a content management system. If you want, you can also compare it with the Operating System.

WordPress system runs on a web server. For a web server, you first have to buy hosting. And then WordPress has to be installed in the cPanel of hosting. If you want, you can open your website from your laptop or mobile also.

WordPress uses a database server (MySQL) to store your website data. Whereas a web server (Nginx or Apache) is used to show the website data to the visitor. The coding of WordPress's main application is done with PHP or JavaScript.

Is WordPress easy to use?

Yes, using WordPress is as simple as searching on Google through simple voice input. If you have not studied much related to computers, or you have never built a website, or you are not familiar with HTML. And even if you don't know CSS coding, there is no need to worry. Because even without knowing coding, you can use WordPress much better.

When you go inside it after installing WordPress, you will understand how simple and easy it is to use. Whatever service you need on your website, just install a plugin related to it, and your work will be done.

This means that the user interface of WordPress has been made so simple and easy that even people with little technical knowledge can use it.

Is WordPress free?

Yes, WordPress is not only free to use but you can make any changes in it as per your wish. That means, if understood in simple words, you will get 100 percent rights over your website.

If you have ever used Blogger, then you would know that in Blogger you do not have complete control over the website. But WordPress provides you complete freedom. You can take any hosting on your website, if you do not like the hosting then you can also change it. This means that you have all the rights.

Overall, WordPress is absolutely free but you need to get a hosting and domain. The money spent on creating a website in WordPress is spent on domain and hosting and not on WordPress.

Features available in WordPress

By now you must have understood what  WordPress is, let us know about some of the features available in WordPress –

WordPress has been developed in such a way that the experience of both the user and the publisher is quite good. If seen, approximately 39 percent of the websites in the world use WordPress only.

Now we will know what features are available in WordPress, due to which it is so popular. Because we use anything only when it is convenient.

1) Ease of use 

The biggest feature of WordPress is ease. You can publish your content here anytime. The process of publishing content is also quite easy. Apart from this, changing the theme, installing plugins, designing the website, etc. is very easy in WordPress.

The interface of WordPress is user-friendly, you can learn WordPress very easily by practicing for 1-2 weeks.

2) Offers Flexibility

WordPress is very flexible. This means that you can create your business website, E-Commerce, Landing Page, Personal Blog, Photoblog, Government Blog, News or Magazine website, etc. here.

Apart from this, if you want, you can select any theme as per your requirement and apply it. There are many types of plugins which are there to support your website. You can install the plugin as per the requirements of your website.

3) Tools to publish

To publish content, you are provided with many types of tools in WordPress. You can also draft your content if you want. Through scheduled publication, your content can be published at different times.

Apart from this, any content can be made public or private. You can save it by putting a password on any page or post.

4) user management 

User management of WordPress is very good. One gets as much access to the website as he needs. If seen, the administrator gets access to the entire website, while the editor gets access to manage the content, similarly, you can give different accesses to your website.

5) Theme System

If you do not like the theme of your website then no problem, you can go to the theme directory. Here you will get thousands of themes that are absolutely free. If you want, you can also buy a paid theme.

But if you do not like any of these themes, then you can apply any external theme as per your choice. The method of applying the theme is also very simple. You can provide a new look to your website in a short time.

6) SEO Plugins Available 

You get many SEO plugins in WordPress through which you can do SEO on your website and get a good ranking in Google.

7) Various other plugins exist

Like SEO plugins, there are many plugins available in WordPress for different tasks, which you can install as per the requirements of your website. For example, if you want to place Google advertisements, there are different plugins for this, there are different plugins for compressing the size of the image, and there are different plugins for increasing the speed of the website.

This means that whatever type of design you want in your website, there are different plugins available for them. Apart from all this, many types of facilities are provided to the user in WordPress.

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After reading this article, you must have understood what WordPress is and whether you should create your blog on WordPress.com or WordPress.org

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