Google Authenticator | What is Google Authenticator? Know about this tool for online security..!!

In the world of technology, everyone's work is done online.  Now if you want to work online, you have to create an account and after creating an account, we always worry about how safe that account is.

We have seen that many account IDs and passwords are being stolen.

So to solve this problem of yours today we have come up with an app from Google which is called “Google Authenticator”.

So let's know about this.

What is Google Authenticator?

Till now we have been using 2-step verification for online accounts and their safety.

Within 2-step verification, you get OTP through a message on mobile.

Now Google company launched the Google Authenticator app in 2010 in which the OTP of your different accounts changes every minute and this OTP is used when you log in.

Google Authenticator is used for security. Through this, you can protect many different accounts like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Instagram, etc.

How does Google Authenticator work?

When you link Google Authenticator to any website, app and service, it generates a secret key that is visible on your device in the form of a QR Code. Now you can scan this QR Code in Google Authenticator app and you can link it.

When you login to your account on any website, application and service, it will ask you for an authentication code.

You will see this code in the services you have added to it when you open the Google Authenticator app.

This code is updated every 1 minute. You will enter this code while logging in, so your identity will be verified and your account will be logged in.

Google authenticator works on TOTP i.e. Time based One Time Password and HOTP i.e. HMAC-based one-time password generator. It generates OTP with the help of an application and this OTP is 6 digits long.

What are the benefits of Google Authenticator?

  • Extra Security : Google Authenticator provides extra security to your account in which you need 2 things to login to the account, one is your password and the other is the Authenticator code. Your account will be logged in only if you have both these things. This will keep your account data safe.
  • Easy to Use: Google Authenticator is very easy to use and setup and link accounts.
  • Free to Use: Google Authenticator service is free. To use this you can secure your account without spending a single rupee.
  • Wide Compatibility: Google Authenticator follows the TOTP protocol. Which is an open standard and works with many other TOTP applications like Authy, LastPass Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator etc. 
  • Offline Access: You can use Google Authenticator offline as well. In which you don't need internet connectivity.
  • Multiple Accounts Support: Google Authenticator supports multiple accounts and you can link all accounts in one application.
These are all benefits but the most important benefit is that you can prevent your account from being stolen. By which your Personal Information , Financial Details , and Sensitive Data can be saved.

What are the disadvantages of Google Authenticator?

  • Device Dependency: Google Authenticator is device-dependent. Which means if you lose your mobile or change mobile then you have to link all accounts again. Because your authentication code also gets lost.
  • QR code scanning: QR code scanning is required to log in the account in Google Authenticator. If your mobile camera is bad or the quality of the camera is not good, then you will not be able to use this application when there is a problem in scanning the QR Code.
  • No Backup: Google Authenticator does not have a backup feature, so when you reset or format the mobile, the authentication code is also deleted and all accounts have to be linked again.
  • No Passcode or Biometric Lock: Google Authenticator does not have a passcode or biometric lock on the app, which makes it easier for malware to steal 2FA codes directly from the app.
  • No Account Syncing: If you swap phones, you have to blitz the entire app and go back and sync up all the accounts.
  • Not Ideal for Business Use: If you're an IT or security professional using Google to conduct various business operations, registration processes, and vital storage locations can be dicey.
  • Limited Functionality: Google Authenticator is a basic 2FA app and does not offer advanced features like backup and restore, multi-device syncing, or cloud backup.



    Google Authenticator is an important service to increase the security of your online accounts. And we recommend using it wherever possible.

    No matter what profession you are in now, you must use this app to protect your account.
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