What is Intranet?

In today's article, we are going to talk about Intranet.

Today we will know in detail what an is Intranet? How does an intranet work? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of using an intranet?

So without wasting any time, let us first know what is Intranet?


What is an intranet?

An intranet is a private network that belongs to a particular organization. It is mainly designed for secure communication among employees in organizations. 

It provides a secure platform to transfer files and data between authorized users.

Confidential information, databases, links, forms, applications, etc. are provided to employees in a secure manner through the Intranet. 

In a way, an Intranet is a private network that is used extensively by organizations to share confidential information and data. 

Just as every computer in the Internet has a different IP address, similarly every computer in the Intranet also has a different IP address which is different from the IP address present on the Internet.

An intranet is based on the TCP/IP protocol (Internet Protocol), which prevents unauthorized access by firewalls and other systems. The firewall keeps monitoring incoming and outgoing data packets. 

The user present inside the intranet can easily access the internet, but if the internet user wants to access the intranet then first of all he should have the right to do so, and secondly, he will have to connect to that LAN. 

How does an intranet work?

An intranet mainly consists of these three basic components – web server, intranet platform, and application. 

A web server is a hardware component that works to store all the data, information, and software present in the intranet. It manages the requests for files hosted on the server. When a user requests a file, it first searches for that file and then gives it to the user. 

An intranet platform is software that helps communication tools, collaboration apps, and databases work easily. 

Users need applications to do their work. Applications are computing devices that allow users to perform their tasks, communicate and coordinate with each other, and retrieve and store information. This makes the user's work much easier.  

If a user wants to connect to the intranet, he needs a network password and must also be connected to that LAN. 

If an authorized user is far away and wants to do his work by connecting to the intranet remotely, then he can connect to the intranet through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). 

Examples of Intranet

1) Educational Intranet

It is mostly found in schools and colleges. For example, the school intranet allows school teachers to share school-related information among themselves like creating a table, sharing exam information, new updates, etc.

2) Real Estate Intranet

A real estate company intranet allows the sales team to easily access all the important information and data like brochures, templates, and forms. It is also used to give updates about new upcoming events, motivational messages, etc. to employees. 

3) IT Sector Intranet

There is a lot of information in the IT sector that needs to be shared with all the employees simultaneously. This information can be related to any project, any guidelines, or rules that need to be followed to make that project. 

4) Health Care Intranet

In the healthcare sector, in big hospitals, the intranet helps in teamwork among doctors, in treating patients, etc. Doctors can easily transfer reports, treatment procedures, bills, and data without having to go from one department to another.

Benefits of Intranet

The following are the benefits of using intranet :

  1. Easy to Implement 
  2. More Secure Than Internet 
  3. Communication
  4. Business Managemen
  5. Workforce Productivity
  6. Platform Independency
  7. Immediate Updates
  8. Security
  9. Time Saving
  10. Collaboration

1) Easy to Implement 

It is much cheaper and simpler than the Internet and can be easily implemented and run.  

2) More Secure Than Internet 

The intranet is much more secure than the Internet.

3) Communication

The Internet provides the facility to share data, information, and files in a systematic manner without any delay among the employees in the company. All the employees present in the company can receive all the announcements of the company, can ask their questions, and can easily access any document if needed. 

4) Business Management

An intranet provides a secure place to store and develop applications to support business operations.

5) Workforce Productivity

In the intranet, data is present all the time which can be accessed with the help of the company's workstation which helps the employees to work faster thereby increasing their productivity.

6) Platform Independency

This is platform-independent. It can connect computers and other devices with different architectures.

7) Immediate Updates

All the information available on the Internet is shared, due to which if there is any update or change in any information, then that change affects the other users as well.

8) Security

The information present in the intranet can be used only by the employees of that organization, hence there is no possibility of data leaking. The information is quite secure.

9) Time Saving

Information and data in the intranet are available in real-time which all employees can access whenever they want. This saves time.

10) Collaboration

In the intranet, information is distributed among employees according to their needs and can be accessed only by authorized users, which increases teamwork.

Disadvantages of Intranet

  • The intranet is expensive because it is a bit complex.
  • If a firewall is not installed in the intranet or the firewall does not work properly then it can be hacked. 
  • Passwords should be highly secure which no deaf user can even guess. 
  • There is always a fear of losing control over the intranet. 
  • Sometimes any document or data may be duplicated and there may be confusion among employees. 
  • Many people have to be given access to the intranet, which can make it a little difficult to control the network. 
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I hope that after reading today's article you will understand what is Intranet? How does it work? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an intranet? You must have got all the information related to it and you will not have to search for it anywhere else.

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